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Emerging Trends in Indian Electoral Politics and Party System

By Dr Shashikant Pandey | PUBLISHED: 29, Nov 2010, 13:44 pm IST | UPDATED: 29, Nov 2010, 14:08 pm IST

Emerging Trends in Indian Electoral Politics and Party System

Democracy is the most popular and widely accepted form of government all over the world. Its popularity can be gauged from the fact that even those countries, who do not fulfill any democratic criteria, claim themselves to be democratic. It may be because of the legitimacy and support that it has acquired over the years as a best possible form of government. It is the only available form of government which ensures peoples participation in governance through various means. In fact, that was the reason for its adoption in Indian constitution soon after independence.

Initially, lot of apprehension and doubt were raised regarding success of democracy in India because the condition was not ripe for its introduction in Indian setting. For example the level of economic development, literacy level, homogeneity of the society, stability etc. all these factors were missing. Even in such adverse circumstances our founding fathers opted for democratic model. Over the years, India has proved its critics wrong by successfully evolving itself as a stable and vibrant democratic nation. However, the question is still raised that whether India be called a successful democracy.

I do not want to limit to the study of electoral system and party politics, the focus will largely confine to studying the emerging trends and their interrelationship. It will also study its effect and role in the consolidation of democratic ideals. On that basis inference would be drawn that whether democracy has consolidated itself or not.

 In democracy, election plays a decisive role. It is through election that a common man elects his representative and through him ensures his participation. K. M. Pannikar, a learned member of the constituent assembly defined adult franchise as a major character of our constitution. In his own words, “Adult franchise has social imperatives as well, apart from its democratic relevance. Many social groups which were ignorant about their strength, and untouched by political upheavals, suddenly started feeling empowered.”

At the time of independence, majority of the Indian population were living under abject poverty, misery, illiteracy and backwardness. In prevailing circumstances, it was electoral process which provided political education and guidance to common people. It was a major effort in the direction of political empowerment despite its limitation. It was keenly observed all over the world as it was not only going to reflect the people’s interest and there acknowledgement of the democratic process but it also informed us that how far our people understand the significance of election for democracy.

Participation of common public in first general election vindicated the faith of Indian public in democratic institutions and since then India is successfully conducting periodic election. However, the question is that mere people’s participation in electoral process is enough to prove its success. The kind of faith bestowed by the common public in democracy has started eroding in recent years. The voting percentage is abysmally low in India in comparison to developed countries. A large chunk of our population either do not vote or detach themselves from active political life.

                                                                                                                    To be continued.......


The writer, Dr. Shashikant Pandey, is Assistant Professor, Dept of Political Science, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar (Central) University, Lucknow-U.P. He is scholer and Gold medalist  from B.H.U.

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