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Film by Channel 4 UK on street children's 'Balaknama'

By Rashmi | PUBLISHED: 01, Nov 2014, 17:58 pm IST | UPDATED: 01, Nov 2014, 18:02 pm IST

Film by Channel 4 UK on street children's 'Balaknama' New Delhi: Children living on the fringe of society are that underprivilaged lot that need the attention of not just the state authorities but those who can do their bit for their upliftment and enable them to see the same stars in their eyes that are seen by the 'haves' of our societal fabric.

The positive side of it is that there are more hands that are working day and night for the cause of these street dwellers than the ones that act detrimental to the cause. These children have the same potential and calibre as any other children except for the support base and opportunities in life.

Apart from voluntry organisations working in the field with these children there are many other ways devised by individuals as well to highlight their cause. Badte Kadam, is one such initiative. CHETNA through its well wishers and supporters facilitated the federation of street children Badthe Kadam that brings news paper, Balaknama. This is probably the first of its kind initiative in the world.

It made headline news just recently when a documentary by channel 4 UK, attracted huge attention worldwide on extra ordinary work by street children in India.

The film can be seen on the given link: