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To ban or not to ban? social media split over Dec 16 gang rape documentary

By FnF Correspondent | PUBLISHED: 04, Mar 2015, 15:45 pm IST | UPDATED: 04, Mar 2015, 15:45 pm IST

To ban or not to ban? social media split over Dec 16 gang rape documentary New Delhi: Social media has been swept by a barrage of conflicting reactions over the airing of the documentary by Leslee Udwin on the brutal gangrape of a 23-year-old paramedic student in a moving bus on December 16, 2012.

The documentary featuring interviews of the men convicted of the gang rape and murder of the young woman has been at the centre of a controversy ever since portions of it were released to the media.

@iyerkavi  tweeted “Haven't watched #IndiasDaughter, so no opinion on the film, color of its lens. But ridiculous to say rapists mustn't speak to us. #Nirbhaya”.

Opinion is divided about whether or not to ban the film, India’s Daughter, with some asking why ban a movie on the basis of excerpts released.

Some people like @AjayGrover29 think that media channels are merely cashing in on the interview. “#Nirbhaya Insulted and news channels want to get footage from that interview”, he tweeted.

Actor Pooja Bedi has implied that giving the rapist a platform where each and every one can hear him was an insensitive move. “If u were brutally raped.. & UR CONVICTED rapist spoke on TV about how u should have laid back & not fought How wld u feel? #NirbhayaInsulted”, she tweeted.

Portions of the interview -- in which, Mukesh Singh, the death row inmate is seen blaming the woman for the brutal assault -- have appeared in the media and on YouTube.

Some people are arguing that this glorifies the rapists, that they are being given an opportunity to voice their opinions on not just a nationwide platform, but on an international platform.

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