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India celebrating Chaitra Navaratri 2017: The messages of Goddess Durga's nine forms

By FnF Desk | PUBLISHED: 28, Mar 2017, 13:22 pm IST | UPDATED: 28, Mar 2017, 13:37 pm IST

India celebrating Chaitra Navaratri 2017: The messages of Goddess Durga's nine forms Chaitra Navaratri 2017 commences on 28th March, and the nine-day Hindu festival will end with Ram Navami on 5th April. Navratri which literally means 'nine nights' is the celebration of Goddess Durga in her nine forms on the scheduled nine days, according to the Hindu Calendar. Chaitra Navaratri is observed the lunar month of post-winter in the months of March–April.

Navratri festival is the celebration of the Navadurga – Devi Shailputri, Devi Brahmacharini, Devi Chandraghanta, Devi Kushmanda, Devi Skandamata, Devi Katyayani, Devi Kalaratri, Devi Mahagauri and Devi Siddhidatri.

Each avatar of Goddess Durga has their own significance, mantras to worship during the Navratri festival celebrations. Chaitra Navaratri Puja begins with Ghatasthapana on Shubh Muhurat time with Navratri vidhi (rituals and traditions).

Here’s a look at the nine forms of Devi Durga, their significant features, importance, mantras along with specific Navratri 2017 days and dates.

1. Chaitra Navaratri Day 1 – Devi Shailputri

Shailputri Puja takes place on the first day (pratipada) of Chaitra Navaratri, i.e will be worshipped on March 28, Tuesday this year. This form of Goddess Parvati is recognized as – rides a bull, carries a Trishul (trident) in her right hand and a lotus flower in her left hand. After self-immolation in form of Goddess Sati, Shailputri is born as the daughter of Lord Himalaya and her name is derived, from the Sanskrit word ‘shail’ meaning mountain and ‘putri’ meaning daughter – hence, Shailputri is daughter of mountain. Shailputri took an oath to marry Lord Shiva and succeeded with her gritty determination. Shailputri governs the planet moon. She is recognized for the determination and achieving impossible feats as she is considered to be Goddess with unlimited power. Mantra to worship Devi Shailputri – Mantra: Om Devi Shailaputryai Namah ॐ देवी शैलपुत्र्यै नम. Chaitra Navratri, Ghatasthapana 2017: Navratri Dates, Nav Durga Puja Timings & Vidhi.

2. Chaitra Navaratri Day 2 – Devi Brahmacharini

On the second day (Dwitiya) of Chaitra Navaratri, Devi Brahmacharini is worshipped by the devotees. It will be celebrated on March 29, Wednesday. She was created by Lord Brahma and considered to be the source of ultimate knowledge and wisdom. This form of Maa Parvati is recognized as – she walks on bare feet, carries a Rudraksha mala in her right hand and a kamandalu in her left hand. She governs the Planet Mars. Devotees of Devi Brahmacharini are endowed with peace and prosperity. Mantra to worship Devi Brahmacharini – Om Devi Brahmacharinyai Namah ॐ देवी ब्रह्मचारिण्यै नम.

3. Chaitra Navaratri Day 3 – Devi Chandraghanta

The third day (Tritiya) of Navratri, Devi Chandraghanta is worshipped by devoted followers. This year it will be celebrated on March 30, Thursday. This form of Goddess Parvati is recognized by – she mounts a tigress, a half-moon (Chandra) adorns her forehead, which also appears like a bell (ghanta), hence her name – Chandraghanta. In her four left hands, she carries – Trishul, Gada, sword and kamandalu with her fifth hand in Varadamudra position. Four of her right hands carry – lotus flower, arrow, Dhanush and Japa Mala with her fifth right hand in Abhaya Mudra position. She governs planet Venus. Devotees blessed by Devi Chandraghanta do not suffer from worldly troubles and turmoil. Mantra to worship Devi Chandraghanta – Om Devi Chandraghantayai Namah ॐ देवी चन्द्रघण्टायै नम.

4. Chaitra Navaratri Day 4 – Devi Kushmanda

On the fourth day (Chaturthi) of Chaitra Navaratri, devotees worship Devi Kushmanda, i.e will be worshipped on March 31, Friday this year. Goddess Kushmanda is recognized as – She mounts a lioness and has eight arms – her right hands carry a kamandalu, Dhanush, Bada and Kamal while her left hands hold Amrit Kalash (pot of nectar), rudraksh mala, Gada and Chakra. She governs the Sun, and is the source of energy and direction of it. She is believed to bless her devotees with siddhis (supernatural powers) and niddhis (treasure). Mantra to worship Devi Kushmanda – Om Devi Kushmandayai Namah ॐ देवी कूष्माण्डायै नम.

5. Chaitra Navaratri Day 5 – Devi Skandamata

The fifth day (Panchmi) of Chaitra Navaratri is celebrated in the honour of Devi Skandamata. It will be celebrated on April 1, Saturday this year. This form of Goddess Parvati is recognized – She mounts the ferocious lion and carries a baby, known as Skanda in her lap. Lord Skanda is son of Lord Shiva and Maa Parvati. Kanda Sashti Vratam is one of the popular festivals among Tamil Hindus. Goddess Skandamata has with four hands – carrying lotus flowers in her upper two hands. She holds baby Skanda in one of her right hands and keeps the other right hand in Abhayamudra. Skandamata also mounts on a lotus flower and because of that, is also known as Goddess Padmasana. She governs Planet Mercury and has the power to bless even the most ignorant life with immense knowledge. Mantra to worship Devi Skandamata – Om Devi Skandamatayai Namah ॐ देवी स्कन्दमातायै नम.

6. Chaitra Navaratri Day 6 – Devi Katyayani

The sixth form of Navdurga is Devi Katyayani, who is worshipped on the sixth (Shasthi) day of Chaitra Navaratri. This will be celebrated on April 2, Sunday this year. Goddess Katyayani is recognized – Goddess Katyayani mounts on a ferocious lion and has four hands. She carries a lotus flower and sword in her left hands and keeps her right hands in Abhayamudra and Varadamudras respectively. Devi Katyayani governs Planet Jupiter. She blesses her devotees with wealth and salvation. Mantra to worship Devi Katyayani – Om Devi Katyayanyai Namah ॐ देवी कात्यायन्यै नम.

7. Chaitra Navaratri Day 7 – Devi Kalaratri

On the seventh day (Saptami), Devi Kalaratri is worshipped as the seventh manifestation of Goddess Durga. This year it will be celebrated on April 3, Monday. Goddess Kalaratri is recognized by her dark black complexion and she rides a donkey. She is depicted with four arms, with right hands in Abhayamudra and Varadamudra position while the left hands carry a sword and deadly iron noose. She governs the Planet Saturn. Mantra to worship Devi Kalaratri – Om Devi Kalaratryai Namah ॐ देवी कालरात्र्यै नम.

8. Chaitra Navaratri Day 8 – Devi Mahagauri

The eighth day (Ashtami ) of Chaitra Navaratri is celebrated in honour of Devi Mahagauri. It will be celebrated on April 4, 2017, Tuesday. This form of Goddess Durga is recognized – Mahagauri rides the bull, just like Goddess Shailputri the (first form of Navdurga). She has four hands, holding a Trishul (trident) in one of her right hands and has another right hand in the Abhayamudra position. In one of her left hand, she carries a Damaru while depicts the Varadamudra in her other left hand. She governs planet Rahu (Neptune). She fulfils all the desires of her devotees who worship her with pure heart. Mantra to worship Devi Mahagauri – Om Devi Mahagauryai Namah ॐ देवी महागौर्यै नम.

9. Chaitra Navaratri Day 9 – Devi Siddhidatri

The ninth and final form of Goddess Durga is Devi Siddhidatri, who is worshipped on the ninth day (Navami) of Chaitra Navaratri. This year it will be celebrated on April 5, 2017, Wednesday. This form of Navadurga is recognized as she sits on a lotus flower and rides on the lion. She is depicted with four hands, Gada and Chakra in her right hands and lotus flower and Shankh in her left hands. Mantra to worship Devi Siddhidatri – Om Devi Siddhidatryai Namah ॐ देवी सिद्धिदात्र्यै नम. She governs Planet Ketu (Uranus) and has bestowed all types of siddhi (supernatural powers) to her devotees.