New Delhi: I am extremely delighted to be a part of SAMBHAV which has been organized every year by the Delhi based NGO A.L.P.A.N.A..Former Chief Justice of India Justice Shri Dipak Misra said while delivering his speech during the Inauguration ceremony of SAMBHAV 2020.
SAMBHAV 2020, an International event for and by Divyangjan (Persons with Disabilities) organized by Association for Learning Performing Arts and Normative Action (A.L.P.A.N.A.) since 2006. This year due to Covid-19 participants from five continents joins 'SAMBHAV 2020' in virtual mode on 18, 19 & 20 December 2020.
In his speech Mishra added “There is a saying that Man can be destroyed but Man cannot be defeated. And this saying has been proved true by Mrs Alpana Nayak, the Founder President of A.L.P.A.N.A. In spite of COVID 19 Pandemics A.L.P.A.N.A. led by Mrs Nayak is brave enough to present SAMBHAV 2020, the 15th SAMBHAV in a row on VIRTUAL MODE. The concept of Universalism has been fructified in a different manner by A.L.P.A.N.A. through SAMBHAV where 26 groups from 15 different countries had participated. It has concretized the philosophy of India; i.e., Vasudheiva Kutumbakam – the whole world is one family.” Justice Misra reiterated that this event was a glorious act and a praiseworthy act.
Association for Learning Performing Arts & Normative Action (A.L.P.A.N.A.), a Delhi based NGO registered with the Registrar of Societies, government of Delhi in 2004 has been working relentlessly for the empowerment and mainstreaming of Divyangjan (Persons with disabilities). To meet with its espoused objectives, for the past fifteen years, A.L.P.A.N.A has been holding an annual event called ‘SAMBHAV’ which aims to showcase the abilities of the differently abled people in the field of performing arts.
SAMBHAV which means “possible” was conceived and started in 2006 by A.L.P.A.N.A. to help promote inclusive arts within the context of inclusive growth. SAMBHAV showcases artistic empowerment of specially talented persons. The objectives of SAMBHAV are to promote inclusive growth and be a catalyst in fulfilling commitments of the global society towards persons with disability, to showcase inclusiveness of Indian society, to empower challenged persons, particularly artists, through development of skills and enhancement of creativity in various fields of arts and to work towards sharing of ideas, knowledge, achievements and experiences through sustainable interactions among different stake holders.

The fifteenth edition of SAMBHAV held on VIRTUAL MODE on 18, 19 & 20 December 2020 attracted 16 groups from Australia, Bangladesh, India, Iran, Kenya, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Russia, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, USA, Uzbekistan and Vietnam besides 10 groups from Indian States of Delhi, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Punjab and Telengana.
On 18th December 2020 SAMBHAV started with the lighting of the ceremonial lamp by Shri Bidhan Chandra Nayak, IPS (retd.), former Deputy Chief of IB, Govt. of India and Mentor of A.L.P.A.N.A. Then SAMBHAV 2020 was launched formally on Virtual Mode by Chief Guest Hon’ble Justice Dipak Misra. The Guest of Honour of the event Padmashri Prof. YK Chawla, Former Director, PGIMER, Chandigarh also delivered his address and said, “I am very happy to be a part of SAMBHAV - Sharing of Best Practices in Empowerment of Divyangjan. I am here to emphasize the role of Health care Professionals to enable Persons with Disabilities leading a fulfilling life in sustainable manner. A.L.P.A.N.A. has been working ardently through SAMBHAV to showcase the talents of Divyangjan and to prove to the world that their efforts and courage are not hindered by any kind of obstacles in the form of disabilities.”
The current COVID pandemic has not dampened the spirit of A.L.P.A.N.A. NGO even a bit. During these difficult times A.L.P.A.N.A. is brave enough to present SAMBHAV 2020, the 15th SAMBHAV in a row on VIRTUAL MODE. SAMBHAV 2020 included webinars, Art & Craft workshops, Yoga workshop and seminar, Workshops on Dance & Music Therapy, Exhibitions of paintings and artefacts made by Divyang artists and most importantly International event of performances. This year’s SAMBHAV witnessed participation by Divynag artists, trainers, researchers, experts and stakeholders from fourteen countries of the world.
At SAMBHAV 2019 experts and resource persons from Australia, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, U.S. A., Russia, Vietnam and Thailand emphasized the need of approaching disability issues before child birth through a variety of interventions which involve the wider society. In the Seminar on Yoga, Prof Rima Dada form AIIMS, New Delhi presented papers based on her research themes highlighting the positive effects of Yoga to tackle different issues related to disabilities.
The international performances at SAMBHAV 2020 had Odissi dance and percussion band by the special students of ‘A.L.P.A.N.A.’; songs by Salubrious Productions, Australia; traditional dances by Vietnam Youth Theatre and X-Dan Secondary School, Hanoi; dances by acrobatics by The New Light Social Services Society, MP; theme based dance by visually impaired girls from Odisha; dances by Udan Special School, MP; song and percussion playing by Tajikistan; traditional dances by Mother Charitable Foundation of Sri Lanka; Traditional songs, Theatre and dances by All Russia Blind Association; keyboard recital by Tehran troupe and vibrant Bhangra by Punjab troupe. All participants enthralled the audience with more than 50 amazing performances.
The prominent guests of the events of International Performances on Virtual Mode were Shri Bidyut Swain, IAS, Special Secretary, Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India, Ms S Aparna, IAS, Secretary, Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India, Hon’ble Mr Vladimir Bezhenov, General Director, All-Russia Association of the Blind and Mr Sanjit Jha, Director, India Culture Centre, Moscow.